Controversial reality show Big Boss season 3, will be premiered on Jio Cinema on this friday, June 21. This season of Big Boss will have Anil Kapoor as host as Salman Khan is busy shooting.
In a press meet Anil Kapoor said, “Big Boss OTT and I are dream team. We both are young at heart. People often joke that I am reverse aging, but Big Boss has this quality. It feels like going back to school, trying something new and exciting. I am going to bring 10 times more of that energy to Big Boss. I can’t wait to bring my own flavour into it.”
Chandrika Dixit aka Vada Pav Girl, is all set to enter as contestent in Big Boss OTT season 3. Jio Cinema released a social media post confirming Chandrika Dixit as initial contestant. The caption of the post read, “Who is the first contestant of Big Boss OTT 3?” Head over the to get a sneak peak at this teekhi mirchi. Big Boss OTT 3 will air exclusively on Jio Cinema Premium begining June 21 at 9 pm.”
Chandrika Dixit got fame overnight for selling Mumbai’s iconic street food vada pav in Delhi.She has arrived in Mumbai along with her family to be a part of this show.