At the ongoing 77th Cannes Film Festival, actors Shantanu Maheshwari and Avneet Kaur made their debut on the esteemed stage of the French Riviera. The duo was present to unveil the first look of their upcoming film, “Love in Vietnam.” Following the unveiling, Maheshwari and Kaur joined the Indian Ambassador to France and Monaco, Jawed Ashraf, for an intimate lunch alongside the film’s makers.

Avneet Kaur shared moments from the meet and greet on her official Instagram account, expressing her excitement and gratitude. She captioned the post, “It was an absolute honour to meet His Excellency The Ambassador of India to France & Monaco – Sh. Jawed Ashraf along with the makers of our film ‘Love in Vietnam’ at the 77th Cannes Film Festival and take his blessings for this historic venture. What a wonderful feeling to be a part of this beautiful journey of opening new doors for Indian Cinema across the globe.”

The photos shared by Kaur feature the team of “Love in Vietnam” proudly displaying the film’s posters. Additional images capture the cast and crew deeply engaged in conversation with Ambassador Ashraf, reflecting the significance of this international collaboration.

The presence of Maheshwari and Kaur at Cannes, along with their interaction with the Indian Ambassador, marks a significant milestone in promoting Indian cinema on a global platform.