Again, Spanish luxury fashion brand Balenciaga is making headlines with its daring designs under the creative head Demna Gvasalia. The brand, known for its boldness, had already introduced eccentric items like the Towel Skirt, tape bracelet, trash bag handbag, Potato Chips bag, and distressed sneakers. This time, Balenciaga has released a new bold footwear piece for its Fall 2025 collection called ‘The Zero’, which may just be the most unconventional model they have ever produced.
Balenciaga describes the Zero as a design that “distils footwear to its core,” pushing the barefoot shoe concept to an extreme. Made entirely out of foam, this shoe reveals almost the entire foot, bringing a line between the sandal, slide, and the traditional barefoot shoe. Combining style and functionality, The Zero embodies the gorp-core aesthetic. The shoe is available in several colors, including black, tan, white, and brown.
The minimalist design boasts of a footbed, grooves for each of the five toes, traction pattern, and enclosures for the heel and big toe, all on an incredibly tiny design, but the rest of the foot remains exposed. While it can be worn with socks, only tabi-toe socks, which separate the big toe, are compatible with the design.
The Zero is set to launch during the Fall 2025 shopping season, though the pricing details remain unknown. Given Balenciaga’s history of premium pricing, it’s expected that these shoes will come with a hefty price tag.
As with many of the brand’s previous releases, The Zero has garnered mixed reactions online. While some admire Balenciaga’s commitment to defying fashion norms, others are less than impressed.
One user commented, “The world’s ugliest and useless thing to be made.” Another posted, “I swear, if Balenciaga put spit in a jar and sold it for $350, y’all would buy it. This is TERRIBLE. You all might as well buy regular open-toe slides.” A user quipped, “Balenciaga is a true social experiment.”. What happened to Demna saying he’s going back to the brand’s roots and leaving shock-value clothes behind?
” Another said, “Dumb – they must’ve run out of ideas for a damn shoe smh.”What do you think of this new design? Would you consider buying or wearing them?
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