Megastar Amitabh Bachchan gave his fans and followers an update on his health. He also asked them to send him a particular picture of his via WhatsApp or Twitter. On Monday morning, Big B took to his official Instagram handle and shared a picture of himself walking on the ramp of a show. In the picture, we can see him in a black and white outfit. Also, the megastar opted for dark glasses. In the caption of his post, he wrote, “thank you for all the prayers and wishes for my recovery..I repair..hope to be back on the ramp soon.”
Take a look at Amitabh Bachchan’s Instagram post
Reacting to his his post, one of his fans wrote, “So, so good to hear this news dear” Another wrote, “Long live the one and only legend.” One of the fans even stated, “No competition in the world.” For the unversed, Big B is recovering from the recent injury he suffered on the sets of his upcoming film Project K. The actor suffered a muscle tear in his right rib cage.
Meanwhile, on the professional front, Big B has a couple of exciting projects in his kitty. The actor has Project K with Prabhas, Deepika Padukone, and Disha Patani. Besides this, he will be seen in the original Hindi adaptation of the Hollywood film The Intern.
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