All eyes are on Aryan Khan, son of superstar Shah Rukh Khan, ever since he announced his foray into filmmaking with his directorial debut. According to recent reports, Aryan has wrapped up filming for his project ‘Stardom,’ produced by Red Chillies Entertainment, marking a significant milestone in his budding career. To mark the occasion, he hosted a grand celebration for the cast and crew of the film.

A viral video circulating on the internet captured the joyous moment as Aryan cut a lavish cake surrounded by the entire ensemble of the series, including actor Bobby Deol. The spirited atmosphere saw the entire team cheering on Aryan as they commemorated the completion of the project.

A few months ago, Aryan took to Instagram to announce the completion of the screenplay for his directorial venture, signaling his dedication to the craft. This move follows Shah Rukh Khan’s appearance on David Letterman’s talk show in 2019, where he shed light on his son’s career aspirations.

During the interview on ‘My Next Guest Needs No Introduction With David Letterman,’ Shah Rukh Khan revealed that Aryan harbors ambitions beyond acting, recognizing his talent as a writer. While acknowledging Aryan’s proficiency with the pen, Shah Rukh candidly shared that his son recognizes his own limitations as an actor. Despite Aryan’s decision not to pursue acting, Shah Rukh expressed pride in his son’s talents and aspirations, emphasizing the importance of following one’s true calling in the world of entertainment.