Bollywood couple, Arjun Kapoor and Malaika Arora, often share their moments via pictures and videos on Instagram. The couple recently stepped out for a date on Monday, when Arjun was shooting for his upcoming film in London. Both of them went to a restaurant and Arjun shared a photo of Malaika from their date.Malaika was recently spotted at the Mumbai airport and have joined Arjun at London. The couple went to London’s KOYN restaurant, which is owned by Samyukta Nair, who is a friend of Arjun and Sonam Kapoor. In the photo, Malaika is seen wearing a black jacket, a wristwatch, and a statement ring. Her tattoo, which reads ‘Love…’ is also visible in the photo. Sharing Malaika’s photo from their latest date on Instagram Stories, Arjun Kapoor wrote, “Great host Samyukta Nair. Amazing food KOYN London. Best company Malaika Arora.”In a recent interview, Malaika had opened up about her relationship with Arjun, and called him ‘the best boyfriend.’ She said that the actor was her biggest cheerleader. Malaika said, “He is that not only that I bond with him, but he is also my best friend. It’s very important to love your best friend and fall in love with him. Arjun gets me, he understands me, he says it the way things are. I think we both are each other’s biggest cheerleaders as well. I can talk to him about anything and everything under the sun. That’s the most important bit about being in a relationship – you should be able to just be your true self and I can just be myself around Arjun.”
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