Anil Kapoor, the Bollywood actor slated to host the upcoming season of the reality streaming show Bigg Boss OTT, described his wife Sunita Kapoor as the Bigg Boss of the Kapoor family. The upcoming season introduces a fresh tagline, “Ab Sab Badlega,” with Anil leading the charge.
Talking about the Bigg Boss in the Kapoor family, Anil said: “My wife, Sunita is most likely to be the Bigg Boss of the Kapoor family.” Anil also discussed what viewers can anticipate from the forthcoming season. He said: “Bigg Boss means raw entertainment and this season of BB OTT will be very real, raw and a fun journey.”
When questioned about taking on household responsibilities, he gave a humorous reply, stating that he would probably evade them altogether. “I pretend that I can do household chores, but I can’t,” he added.
Bigg Boss OTT Season 3 is scheduled to premiere on JioCinema Premium from June 21.
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