Senior actor Amitabh Bachchan took to his Instagram recently to shower love on his son-actor Abhishek Bachchan, who won a major honour at a recent sports award. Big B shared two pictures of Abhishek with the trophy. In the caption of his post he wrote, “YEEEAAAAHHHHHHHH..Abhishek! my pride Filmfare Best Actor- ‘DASVI’.. Jaipur Pink Panthers, which you own, wins Championship League in Kabaddi..And now JPP wins the Virat Kohli Foundation Sports Honours trophy versus other league teams of Football and Cricket ! 2022-2023 WHTCTW!!” Recently, Amitabh Bachchan took to blog and shared his health update with his extended family.
Take a look at Amitabh Bachchan’s Instagram post
The Dasvi actor Abhishek Bachchan also took to his Instagram earlier today and wrote, “Such a proud moment for me. Humbling. Emotional. It’s been one of the most fulfilling journeys for me to be a part of the Kabaddi family.”
Take a look at Abhishek Bachchan’s Instagram post
On the work front, Abhishek will be next seen in R Balki’s Ghoomer with Saiyami Kher. Next, he will be seen in a special appearance in Ajay Devgn’s upcoming film. On the other hand, Amitabh Bachchan has The Intern remake with Deepika Padukone and Project K with Deepika Padukone, Prabhas and Disha Patani in his kitty.
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Kate later took to Instagram to share that her cancer was in remission.