To mark his wife’s 37th birthday, actor Allu Arjun visited Golden Temple at Amritsar and Wagah border with his family on Thursday. The pictures shared by him, featured his wife Sneha Reddy and kids Ayaan and Arha. He wore a purple kurta pyjama with an orange head covering for his visit to Golden temple. He held the hands of his son, Ayaan while walking. His wife Sneha Reddy wore a blue suit with an orange head covering and held her daughter Arha’s hand.Arjun posted a picture with his family and jawans at the Wagah border. He and his wife were greeted by people in large number and were overwhelmed by the honour. He waved at his fans while walking with his wife and jawans. He shared a photo from Wagah border and wrote, “BSF . What an honour (tricolour flag emoji). Thank you (handfolded emoji).” You are the most beautiful and humble person in this world. I am your very big fan.” Another fan wrote, “Jai Hind” (tricolour flag emoji). Other fan commented, “This is the difference between Bollywood and South Indian stars.” Many of his fans dropped heart emojis on his post.
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