Bollywood superstar Salman Khan’s upcoming film Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan is ready to release this month. Amid promotions, he is making sure to take some time out for his workout regime. On Thursday, the ‘Dabangg’ actor took to his official Instagram handle and shared a glimpse of his workout session. In the caption of his post, he wrote, “Love hating legs day. Halat kharaab [Being Strong Global] #BeingStrong #KBKJ.”
Take a look at Salman Khan’s Instagram post
As soon as his pictures surfaced online, his fans rushed to the comment section and showered love on their favourite actor. Reacting to his pictures, one of the fans wrote, “my love.” Another wrote, “level of dedication.” A third fan wrote, “never skip leg day bhai.” Bigg Boss 16 fame Abdu Rozik too commented on his post. He wrote, “I feel you Bhaijaan. Pass me a little muscle also.”
For those unaware, the ‘Dabangg’ actor has undergone a massive transformation for his character in Farhad Samji’s directorial. At the trailer launch, Salman took the audience by storm when he unbuttoned his shirt to flaunt his eight-pack abs. Besides Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan, the actor will also be seen in Tiger 3 opposite Katrina Kaif.
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