As Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan’s trailer is ready to be released today, Salman Khan shared a hilarious video of a family friend dancing to the song Yentamma. Along with the video, the actor wrote, “Since we were kids, he’s always been like this. No matter what he was going through and is going through, he always made people laugh. Today I hope this makes you laugh too. Tomorrow comes the trailer of #KisiKaBhaiKisiKiJaan #KBKJ Watch it with your bhai and your Jaan. [Kamakazi].”
Check out the viral video below
The original video was shared by Instagram user Kamakazi on Instagram reels as he danced to Dharmendra’s Main Jat Yamla Pagla Deewana from Pratiggya (1975). In the caption, he wrote, “My fav dancing hero…[Dharmendra Deol].” Farhad Samji’s directorial also stars Pooja Hegde, Daggubati Venkatesh, and Jagapathi Babu among others. The film will be released in theatres on April 21. Ahead of the film’s release, the makers have been treating fans to new posters and songs. However, the film’s recent track titled Yentamma has left a section of social media users disappointed.
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The renowned filmmaker passed away at the age of 78.