Tollywood actor, Manchu Manoj and, his spouse Bhuma Mounika recently welcomed a baby girl into their family. Actor Lakshmi Manchu, Manoj’s sister, posted the information on social media. On Saturday, Lakshmi shared two images on Instagram: one showed a happy family of four, and the other of a tigress with her cub.
In the caption she penned, “ANNOUNCEMENT. And just like that, they are four! Blessed by the Gods, a little Goddess has arrived! We are thrilled to announce that Manoj and Mounika have welcomed their much-awaited baby girl.”
She also mentioned that Manoj, who adopted Mounika’s kid from her first marriage, is thrilled to have a sister, saying, “Dhairav is overjoyed as her big brother. Cherishing her nickname, we all lovingly call her ‘MM Puli’. May Lord Shiva’s blessings always be upon this complete family. Bless them with all your love! @HeroManoj1 @BhumaMounika #MMPuli #AthaGoals #celebratinglife #littleGoddess #babyannouncement #unlimitedjoy #MM.”
An ecstatic Lakshmi remarked on Instagram, saying, the baby just looks like her as she wrote, “FYI she looks just like her Atha (aunt). Even if I say so myself.”
Regarding his career, Manoj’s most recent film was Okkadu Migiladu in 2017. He also starred in supporting roles in the 2019 movies Operation 2019 and Idi Naa Love Story. He is preparing to return to the stage and co-star with Niharika Konidela in the film What The Fish. In addition, he is filming a new project, the details of which will be revealed on May 20, his birthday.
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