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Let words sing the song of silence

Existence is one. Man thinks otherwise. To live man wants to relate to others because he finds it impossible to exist in aloneness. Existence exists in man. Man is overwhelmed with existence. Man exists in existence otherwise there is no other reason for the man to exist. Man exists like existence.  Man is one of […]

Existence is one. Man thinks otherwise. To live man wants to relate to others because he finds it impossible to exist in aloneness. Existence exists in man. Man is overwhelmed with existence. Man exists in existence otherwise there is no other reason for the man to exist. Man exists like existence. 

Man is one of the most complex evolutions of earth. New-born babies of animals are not as dependent on their mother and father as mans’. Man needs the care of the mother, father, and family to grow. Otherwise, man’s child may not survive. Most complex evolution has brought forward the most complex insecurities. Insecurities bred a complex mind that could solve complex survival issues. 

Mind was evolved to process minimalist information regarding food and water and that the sun rises and sets in. That which side is the water body and which part of the land is colder than the other. But man did begin to think complexities. Man did begin to communicate. Man did begin to produce sounds and symbols assigned to threats, risks and feelings. The evolution of senses reduced risks in species. By and large, animals would protect themselves using all senses in togetherness as the one common sense of being. The mind of man is an extraordinary sixth sense to calculate risks. These days there are no such risks to man’s survival. Then mind forms desires and hopes for the future.

The complex world of information converted symbols into words and complex languages into mathematics. The written word was respected and knowledge was wrapped in sounds of words. Words accelerated thoughts to make us scholarly and knowledgeable. However, the knowledge that was buried in words was an illusion of knowledge and not knowledge per se.

It is said that man speaks because he is afraid that he might be exposed if he doesn’t cover his real self under niceties of words. The knowledge that Buddha experienced was direct from existence and what we read in scriptures is second-hand versions of those who have written interpretations. So this second-hand version of knowledge cannot be a virtue.

Therefore, it is said that words are lies because words are observations written in symbols of events that happened in reality. Mere observations buried in words may best be an illusion of the events. Hindus are one of the advanced civilisations like Greek. In Hindi, the ‘word’ is called the Akshar. Akshar has the most beautiful metaphoric meaning.  Akshar means that which is opposite of ‘kshar’.  Kshar in Hindi means that which is the ultimate knowledge. So ‘Akshar’ means is that which is not knowledge. By writing, we use words (akshar). So we write knowledge with what which is not knowledge. And that which is not knowledge writes knowledge. It means the ‘Akshar’ ought to be unwritten. If knowledge can only be defined by not-knowledge then that knowledge will make us ignorant. 

Man wants to fill himself with something, be that wealth, fame or knowledge. Scholars, academicians, intellectuals, knowledgeable ones are replete with words that create an illusion of knowing. Words are loaded with sounds of knowledge. But real knowledge does not spring out of words. You cannot get to the truth by chanting mere sounds of the truth. Preaching buried in scriptures may be transcribed in sounds of knowledge, but would not be able to take you into the journey of the silence.

All languages are meant to transfer knowledge. Meanings of words stated in languages are transferred into silence. Words are hypnotic. You may know words that create hypnosis of knowing a lot. Sounds of words cannot touch the chord of your life. Words are like gross things.  

When you speak to someone and the other speaks to you. In fact, words carry bits of silence pieced up together. And everyone’s silence is different. You understand from that silence that comes along with those words. Silence is transferred wrapped in words. Words are outer shells of inner silences. Language of silence is the ultimate language that is the language of all languages. Don’t be the gatekeeper of words and languages that will best make you into a language professor. Your consciousness knows no word but knows the language of silence. God is not in words but God is total silence. God is attained in absolute silence when all words end. 

Your being is the most valuable. People will value not what who you are but you are valued for what you do. Therefore they value your words the most. But your silence is the most valuable thing. People adore you for doing what you do like you make money wealth or fame and not for what you are. All languages die here and silence always continues to be with you forever. Words create sham substitutes of truth. Those names which do not belong to God are assigned in the name of God. Absolute communication happens in silence. When words end the silence begin raining. Silence is the way of existence. Existence is absolute silence. No words or language can communicate like silence. Silence is like gushing water that flows towards the one who is ready to be silent.

Birds simply sing the songs of enchantment, they don’t sing songs of knowledge. In fact, the word is a tool to take you beyond the word. What lies beyond the word is reached by walking on the path of words. Words take you to the silence. Language takes you to a point where speaking ends and silence fountains.

All words are to make you silent. When you sit silently you be in your being. By simply being in the being-ness of your being, the grace of silence would begin to drop on you. Be silent to know. Understand that when silence embraces the harmony of words, and when words sing the song of silence, it is the moment you go beyond the boundaries of words. 

The author is a spiritual teacher and he can be contacted at arunavalokitta@gmail.com

