The Delhi High Court on Wednesday refused to grant anticipatory bail to the daughter and son of suspended Delhi government officer Premoday Khakha in a case of alleged sexual assault of a minor girl by the arrested official.

Justice Saurabh Banerjee stated, “I have dismissed application at this stage.”
The official’s son and daughter, accused of abetting the crime, approached the high court the previous week seeking pre-arrest bail in the case after they failed to secure the relief from trial court.

Khakha has allegedly raped a minor girl several times between November 2020 and January 2021, and is currently in the judicial custody. The police stated, the minor was the daughter of a person known to the accused.

His wife Seema Rani, who is accused of giving the girl medicine to terminate her pregnancy, is also in judicial custody. The couple got arrested after the survivor recorded her statement before a magistrate at a hospital.

Police stated, a case has been registered under provisions of the POCSO Act and IPC sections 376(2)(f) (being a relative, guardian or teacher of, or a person in a position of trust or authority towards the woman, commits rape on such woman) and 509 (word, gesture or act intended to outrage the modesty of a woman).

Police said that, IPC sections 506, 323, 313 and 120B have also been invoked in the case.