A special court in Kolkata has recently extended West Bengal Forest Minister Jyotipriya Mallick’s custody by the ED till November 13. Earlier, the former state Food & Civil Supplies minister was arrested in connection with the alleged multi-crore ration scam in the state. Also, he was sent to ED custody till November 6. The court stated, Mallick has to be produced before the chief metropolitan magistrate court in Kolkata on November 13. An ED team on October 26 night arrested the TMC leader and state minister in connection with the alleged case of corruption in the public distribution system. The central agency made the arrest late at night after conducting searches at Mallick’s residence in Salt Lake, on the outskirts of Kolkata. As media persons jostled and gathered around the minister while he was being whisked away by the ED sleuths, with the help of Central Armed Police Force personnel, the minister stated that he was the “victim of a grave conspiracy”. The ED conducted an investigation into the alleged ration distribution scheme.
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