On Tuesday, the Himachal Pradesh High Court issued a directive to the state government, instructing the relocation of the state police chief and the Kangra superintendent of police. This measure aims to prevent any potential influence on the investigation into a businessman’s complaint regarding threats to his life.

In his complaint, Palampur-based businessman Nishant Sharma has alleged threat to him, his family and property. He had also questioned the role of the Director General of Police who had allegedly made calls to him, asking him to come to Shimla. “Shift them to other posts where they would not have any opportunity to influence the investigation in the case,” said a division bench of Chief Justice M S Ramachandra Rao and Justice Jyotsna Rewal Dua.

“In the light of the material available to us in this case till date, we are satisfied that exceptional circumstances do exist for intervening in the matter, more particularly when the respondent Home Secretary had chosen to turn a blind eye to the said material for reasons best known to it,” the order said.