Rajkummar Rao, known for his role as a government official responsible for conducting elections in Naxal-affected regions of Chhattisgarh in the Hindi film “Newton,” is set to be honored as a National Icon by the Election Commission (EC).

The EC designates eminent individuals as national icons to inspire and encourage voters’ participation in elections. Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar will officially appoint Rajkummar Rao as a National Icon of the EC on Thursday, an acknowledgment of the actor’s exceptional portrayal of a conscientious government clerk committed to organizing a free and impartial election in the Naxal-affected regions of Chhattisgarh.

In the face of cynicism and apathy from a security officer, Rao’s performance garnered widespread acclaim. The film “Newton” earned the National Award for Best Feature Film in Hindi and was India’s submission for the Best Foreign Language Film category at the 90th Academy Awards, commonly known as the Oscars. Previously, the EC has recognized other prominent figures as national icons, including actors like Pankaj Tripathi and Aamir Khan, as well as sports personalities such as Sachin Tendulkar, M S Dhoni, and M C Mary Kom.