The Delhi High Court on Tuesday dismissed the bail petition of Leena Maria Paulose, wife of conman Sukesh Chandrasekhar, in a Rs 200 crore extortion case registered by the Economic Offence Wing (EOW) of Delhi Police. The Court also dismissed the bail petitions of two accused, Kamlesh Kothari and B Mohan Raj, in the same case. Sukesh Chandrasekhar, Leena Maria Paulose, and others have been presently in judicial custody since last year in the case of allegedly duping Aditi Singh, wife of the former promoter of Ranbaxy, Shivinder Singh, of Rs 200 crore. Justice Dinesh Kumar Sharma dismissed all three bail petitions filed in the matter on Tuesday.
The Delhi Police’s Economic Offences Wing (EOW) in September 2021 had arrested actor Leena Maria Paul, wife of Sukesh Chandrasekar, for allegedly supporting her partner in cases of duping.
According to the police, Kothari is a real estate agent who helped the couple buy a bungalow in Chennai, and B Mohan Raj is a lawyer by profession who has been representing Chandrashekhar in his cases for a long time and was allegedly involved in their wrongdoing.
The Delhi Police Economic Offence Wing (EOW) last year filed a chargesheet naming 14 accused, including Conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar, his Wife Leena Maria Paul, and others. The Chargesheet was filed under various sections of the IPC and provisions of the Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA).
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