A defamation complaint has been filed against Congress Leader Rahul Gandhi in the Haridwar Court against his alleged remark made during the Bharat Jodo Yatra in January this year, wherein he called the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, RSS as the ‘Kauravas’ of the 21st century.
However, the complaint has been filed by RSS worker Kamal Bhadauriya under section 499 and section 500 of Indian Penal Code, 1860. Rahul Gandhi also insulted the Pujaris, and also insulting the sentiments of the countrymen.
Further, the statement made by Rahul Gandhi is the center of this controversy which was allegedly made by him in Haryana this year, while refreeing to the RSS, Gandhi stated that Kauravas of the 21st century wear Khakhi half-pants and they run shakhas. Thus, beside them are standing two to three richest people of the country.
The court in the case observed while referring to the alleged statement made by Gandhi and stated that RSS is such an organization which has contributed the most in the difficult situations being faced by the Country and the organization has also contributed in competing with a country like Pakistan.
Further, the complaint filed stated that Rahul Gandhi has said that this country belongs to Tapasvis and not to Pujaris and by stating, Gandhi divided the Sanatanis into Tapasvis and Pujaris wherein hurting the sentiments of the people of the country.
Therefore, the complaint filed seeks the institution of a case against Rahul Gandhi.
Accordingly, the court listed the matter to be next heard
on April 12, 2023.
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