Delhi’s Dwarka court on Tuesday directed to preserve the Call Detail Record (CDR) along with the mobile location of one of the accused Lokesh Yadav in the Nikki Yadav murder case. The case involves Sahil Gehlot, Nikki Yadav’s live-in companion, who is accused of killing her. Link Metropolitan Magistrate Nitesh Goyal granted two requests for the CDR to be preserved and for the investigating officer to sign and paginate the case journal. (IO)
The court also extended the judicial custody of the accused persons including Sahil Gahlot for one day. The accused will now be produced before the court on Wednesday.
During the hearing, it was submitted by advocate Anirudh Yadav, the counsel for Lokesh Yadav, that the accused had been arrested in the matter but he was not involved in the murder and conspiracy. He has no role in the conspiracy of the offence.
In order to avoid any manipulation, it is necessary to preserve the CDR along with the mobile location of the accused, the counsel argued.
The counsel added that it is also necessary to get the case diary signed and paginated by the IO for the purpose of a fair investigation.
Advocate Yadav also submitted that some of the mobile phones seized by the police have recording facilities. All the conversations are recorded and the police must have heard them. These phones ought to be sealed and send to FSL for examination.
On the other hand, the investigation officer (IO) submitted that the accused Lokesh Yadav along with other accused had been arrested in the murder case.
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