Uday Umesh Lalit, the Chief Justice of India has written to the Union Government recommending the name of Justice Dhananjaya Y Chandrachud. The Second senior judge of the Supreme Court, as the next Chief Justice of India.
However, the CJI Lalit handed over the letter designating the successor CJI to Justice Chandrachud. It had been requested by CJI Lalit that all the judges of the Supreme Court to assemble at the Judges’ Lounge for announcing the next CJI.
From November 8, CJI Lalit is retiring. Recently, Justice Kiren Rijiju and the Union Minister of Law had written to the CJI requesting him to name the successor.
Further, if the Centre accepts the proposal of CJI Lalit, Justice Chandrachud will have a term of over two years as the 50th Chief Justice of India till November 10, 2024 – making it one of the longest terms for a CJI in the recent past years.
Justice YV Chandrachud, the father of Justice Chandrachud’s was the 16th Chief Justice of India serving from 2 February 1978 to 11 July 1985.
Justice Chandrachud is known for his liberal and progressive judgments and one of the most recent judgements of him being the verdict upholding the rights of unmarried women to seek abortion of pregnancy up to 24 weeks. Thus, he being a part of Constitutional Benches which decriminalized consensual homosexuality and has recognized privacy as a fundamental right under Article 21, decriminalized adultery. However, it was a part of the majority which upheld the right of women of all ages to enter the Sabarimala temple. Also, Justice Chandrachud was a member of the 5-judge bench which decided the Ayodhya-Babri Masjid case.