A CBI court in West Bengal’s Kolkata is to pass the quantum of punishment on Monday afternoon for Sanjay Roy. Sanjay Roy is convicted of raping and murdering a 31-year-old duty doctor inside the state-run RG Kar Medical College and Hospital in the city. By 2:45 p.m., the Sealdah court will hand over Roy’s quantum of punishment. Roy continued claiming innocence in the case and also alleged that he was forced to sign multiple documents by the investigative agencies. The CBI and the victim’s family demanded the maximum sentence of the death penalty for Roy.
Sanjay Roy was brought to Sealdah Court on Monday for the pronouncement of his sentence. Flanked by several police vehicles, Roy was escorted out of jail around 10:15 am. The Sealdah court has been fortified with nearly 500 policemen deployed, ensuring no stone is left unturned to prevent any untoward incidents, an officer reported.
Mother’s Heart-Wrenching Acceptance
Sanjay Roy’s mother said she had accepted her son’s punishment, saying that if he is guilty, he deserves the punishment, even if it means hanging. She added that she will “cry alone” but will accept his punishment as destiny.
Court Proceedings and Family’s Trust in Judiciary
On 18 January, the court convicted Sanjay Roy in the case of rape and murder. When the parents of the deceased doctor headed to the court, they seemed to trust the judicial machinery to dispense justice. “We have faith in the judge,” claimed the father of the victim. The mother of the deceased doctor, however, expressed dissatisfaction with the CBI probe on the grounds of “other perpetrators involved in the crime not having been brought to book.”
CBI Seeks Death Penalty for Sanjay Roy
The main accused, Sanjay Roy, was also present in court as the central agency has sought the death penalty for him. The CBI also arrested former principal of RG Kar Medical College Sandeep Ghosh and Tala police station officer Abhijeet Mondal on charges of trying to destroy evidence in connection with the case. Calcutta High Court transferred the case to the CBI with strong remarks against the police and the state government for handling the immediate aftermath of the crime.
As the court prepares to pronounce the quantum of the sentence, the authorities have ensured that security measures are in place to prevent any disruptions. The case continues to draw significant attention, with the public and the victim’s family eagerly awaiting the final verdict.