The Delhi Police on Saturday stated that an 11-year-old boy sustained an injury to his right eye allegedly after a miscreant burst a firecracker on the road in the National Capital’s Shastri Park.
Following the incident, the officials stated that Delhi police registered an FIR under sections 286 & 337 of the IPC at Shashtri Park police station.
Police stated that information and a medico-legal case were received from the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) regarding the firecracker injury to the boy, a resident of Shastri Park, Delhi.
Police stated, “On October 15, at about 8:00 pm, while the boy was walking to his home near the main road, Shastri Park, some unknown person burst a firecracker on the road. The boy sustained an injury to his right eye.”
Furthermore, “A case of negligent conduct with respect to an explosive substance and causing harm by an act endangering life has been registered in this regard.”
As per police, the boy was discharged after treatment on October 17. His father has a transport business near Tis Hazari Court. “Efforts are being made to identify the culprit. CCTV footage in the area is being scanned.” “Further investigation into the case is in progress.”
Earlier in September, Delhi Environment Minister Gopal Rai stated manufacturing, storage, sale, online delivery, and bursting of any type of firecrackers are completely prohibited in Delhi.
He told media that, “CM Arvind Kejriwal has decided that firecrackers should be banned on the occasion of Diwali to control pollution. Manufacturing, storage, sale, online delivery, and bursting of any type of firecrackers is completely prohibited in Delhi. Police have been directed to issue a circular on behalf of the DPCC (Delhi Pollution Control Committee) stating that no licence is issued. As important as it is to celebrate a festival, it is equally important to look after the environment. That is why we have been taking this decision in Delhi for the last 2 years, and the people of Delhi are supportive.”

The Supreme Court rejected the plea seeking the manufacture, sale, and use of firecrackers containing barium chemicals.
The top court also didn’t intervene in the Delhi government’s decision to put a complete ban on the use of firecrackers in the national capital.