Shin-chan, the beloved Japanese animated series, has long sustained its timeless magic; captivation is achieved through mischievous and humorous adventures. The protagonist of the show is a five-year-old named Shinnosuke Nohara. His interest-driven antics continue entertaining audiences all over the world. An ardent fan has now brought this iconic anime to life in an extraordinary way.
Shen, who is 21 years old, has spent about $400,000 (approximately Rs 3.5 crore) to recreate the house of Shin-chan, while he aims to make this fantasy come true. According to Record China, Shen transformed his family’s sheep farm into the residence he admired for over a year. Shen went to Shanghai five times in collaboration with the agent of exclusive licensing for Crayon Shin-chan in China to get official rights for the house.
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Shen’s goals don’t stop there. He also plans to recreate the Futaba Kindergarten from the series, with the aim of making it an educational space. Finally, he intends to build an immersive version of the entire Kasukabe town in Shin-chan for fans to get a real experience of their favorite anime.
The renowned filmmaker passed away at the age of 78.
Born in Lincolnshire in 1929, Plowright made her stage debut in 1954.
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David Lynch passed away at 78 on January 16.