In a tragic incident on Sunday, a devastating fire erupted in the popular Theatre nightclub in the southeastern Spanish city of Murcia, claiming the lives of 13 individuals and leaving several others injured, as reported by Spain’s state news agency EFE. The incident unfolded around 6 a.m., with the fire rapidly engulfing the nightclub. The cause of the fire remains unclear at this time.
Disturbing footage shared by Murcia’s fire service depicted the strenuous efforts of firefighters attempting to bring the flames under control within the nightclub. Emergency services, including the police, worked diligently to secure the interior of the establishment, aiming to prevent a potential collapse and were engaged in the challenging task of locating and identifying the victims. Authorities warned that the death toll might rise as the situation unfolded.
In response to the tragic event, the city council declared three days of mourning, with flags flown at half-staff across public buildings throughout the region of Murcia. The community grapples with the profound loss and awaits further information as investigations into the incident continue.
The devastating consequences of the nightclub fire have cast a somber shadow over the city, prompting collective grief and a unified effort to support those affected by this heartbreaking tragedy.