The Governor met with the players of Rajasthan who won the game of Roll Ball in the National Games held in Goa at the Raj Bhavan on Tuesday. The men’s team won gold, and the women’s team won a silver medal in the National Games, led by Manohar Kant, the president of the Roll Ball Federation and a former officer of the Indian Administrative Service.
Governor Mishra congratulated the members of the men’s and women’s teams who won gold and silver medals in Roll Ball, engaging in a dialogue with them. He said that sports contribute to the development of human values and social consciousness. He mentioned that sports not only provide a positive perspective on life but also contribute to mental and physical development. Through the game of Roll Ball, he urged the players to make Rajasthan a leader at the global level. On this occasion, Governor’s Chief Special Secretary Govind Ram Jaiswal and Vikram Singh Rathore, associated with the Roll Ball Federation, were also present.