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Dr Naveet Wig, chairman of AIIMS Covid Task Force, exclusively spoke to us about the need to follow Covid guidelines, the reason behind the wastage of vaccines, how long the pandemic will last, and more.

Q. How do you evaluate Unlock 2?

A. It’s a time of self-evaluation. The number of cases is still more than a lakh and the situation is grave. Unlock will only make the situation worse, and nothing will improve in this manner. I understand the economy is crucial but life is foremost. 

Q. We are witnessing massive crowding in markets. What precautions will you suggest for everyone?

A. The pandemic has taught so much to people like basic hygiene manners. A country like India is implementing social distancing; it was far stretched but now turning into reality. But still, when government eases the situation a little bit, people violate all the basic guidelines and that is terrible. People must wear a mask all the time, especially when they go out. The situation will get really bad if basic guidelines won’t be followed and the condition will be grave. It is important to understand that crowding and working in full strength will make things worse. So, people must decide voluntarily to work in half strength and maintain social distancing. 

Q. What are the basic things to follow to curb the spread of the virus?

A. Wearing a mask is foremost and forever. Working in half-strength is important. Don’t let your guards down. It’s important to monitor cases, and if it goes beyond 5% then restrictions must be implemented. Last time we waited till 20% to 25% and then considered implementing lockdown. We need to make proper arrangements in hospitals, sanitisation work and must keep the environment clean. 

Q. We are witnessing fear in society. Till when the situation will be like this? 

A. As per my study, 98% of infected people will recover but 2% to 3% will need ICU. We need to keep our locality, district, and society safe, and then the whole country will be safe. 

Representatives at the ground level will need to understand that it’s our and their responsibility to keep society safe by following basic Covid protocols. 

Q. How many active cases ring the alarm bell?

A. According to me, 5% is the threshold when the alarm bell must ring. For example, if 1,000 people are being tested and 50 are Covid positive then it is 5% of people infected and such patients need ICU bed and home isolation. Even the situation now is alarming and we must not take it lightly. 

Q. Many doctors have speculated that those who have recovered from Covid need no vaccination, how true is it?

A. The ones who never got infected are more prone to the virus compared to those who have recovered.  Covid recovered people should get vaccinated after three months.

Q. Centre is giving vaccines to states for free. How much the states need to stay careful to control Covid spread?

A. We need to have faith in the government. They are the only source of vaccines for us. Their distribution so far has been better but it needs to be more fluent. 

Q. We have witnessed wastage of vaccines too. What is the reason behind this?

A. We all need to stay united. There should be no space for blame-game. The wastage of vaccines is very unfortunate. We must ensure that everyone who is eligible and needs it must get vaccinated as early as possible. The vaccine will save you from dying and keep your immunity strong. You may feel feverish for a while but later on, it will be fine. 

Q. What will be your message to people?

A. You need to give two months for the vaccine to show effects. But nothing can ensure that a person will not get infected again. You need to wear a mask and maintain social distancing to stay safe. 

Q. Do you think we will have to wear a mask forever?

A. There is no reason to panic. As more people will be vaccinated, the situation and the immunity of citizens will improve. Researchers are working and they will improve the efficacy of the vaccine and that will eventually improve our health. 

Q. Will coronavirus behave like Swine Flue?

A. Predictions will make thing worse. So, we should act as per the behaviour of the virus. Wearing a mask, social distancing, and vaccination will only help us. 

Q. How long this will last?

A. Maybe two to five years. We need to keep our positive rates less and the rate of vaccination higher. We need to improve the vaccination process and may need immunity booster, and cocktail doses that will improve immunity for five to six years. 

Q. When will the country be Covid free. 

A. We need to take responsibility and accountability. With utmost sense and understanding, we will be able to overcome it.

