On the occasion of Ram Navami, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath performed Kanya Puja at the Gorakhnath Temple in Gorakhpur. The temple’s official Twitter handle, Gorakhnath Mandir, tweeted, “Today is a beautiful day, a beautiful home. The beautiful virtue and abode of Ram’s king’s palace have appeared.”
The temple also shared a video of CM Yogi Adityanath performing the puja and rituals, which included washing the feet of young girls and worshipping them. The program was organized in the Shri Gorakhnath Temple premises on the auspicious occasion of Shri Ram Janmotsav.
On his official Twitter handle, the UP CM posted pictures of the puja at Gorakhnath Temple, expressing his gratitude for the opportunity to worship the girls as a form of Shakti. He said, “On the auspicious occasion of ‘Shri Ram Navami’ today at Gorakhnath Mandir, I got the great fortune of worshipping the girls in the form of Shakti and offering them prasad. With the grace of Adishakti Maa Bhagwati, may everyone’s life be free from suffering and move towards virtue, love and prosperity, this is our prayer. Jai Maa Bhagwati!”
Yogi Adityanath also held a press conference where he extended his greetings to the people on the occasion of Ram Navami. He highlighted the significance of this year’s Navami, especially in Ayodhya, where enthusiasm is high. He congratulated the people of the state, noting that the celebration of Lord Ram’s birth anniversary is being organized with great enthusiasm and excitement at his sacred birthplace after almost 500 years.
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