The Yogi Adityanath administration has decided to launch various initiatives under the National Invention Campaign in Uttar Pradesh with the goal of fostering curiosity-based education and a scientific mindset among upper-primary school students, according to an official statement today.

The government also wants to promote experimentation and make science, math, and technology more accessible. The government has therefore issued instructions for the implementation of activities at the district and development block levels, according to the statement. These initiatives include setting up science fairs at the district level, quiz competitions at the block level, and arranging field trips for kids from within and outside the state.

For the execution of these programs, the state government has approved a budget of Rs 17.46 crore in the Annual Action Plan and Budget for 2023-24, which is being released to the districts. It is noteworthy that the “National Invention Campaign” is being conducted by the Ministry of Education of the Government of India. The Yogi government is now advancing this program in Uttar Pradesh, mentioned the statement.

All basic education officers across districts have received instructions and action plans pertaining to the implementation of activities from the State Project Director, Vijay Kiran Anand. The statement continues, “According to this, the headmaster and teachers of science and mathematics will organize a quiz competition related to science subjects for the students of council upper primary schools.”