Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath launched a fresh attack on the Akhilesh Yadav-led Samajwadi Party (SP), referring to it as a “jungle raj.” Speaking to a gathering in Kushinagar, Adityanath claimed that during SP’s rule, there was an “atmosphere of fear,” and people avoided traveling after sunset. He assured the audience that the region is now “free from terrorism, anarchy, and hooliganism” under his leadership.
“Because of the ‘jungle party’ (Samajwadi Party), there used to be an atmosphere of fear in this entire region, and people avoided traveling after sunset. However, terrorism, anarchy, and hooliganism have ended in this region now,” Adityanath stated, as reported by news agency PTI.
Controversy Over Ayodhya Rape Case
The remarks come amidst a heated exchange between leaders of the Samajwadi Party and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) over the rape case of a minor girl in Ayodhya. On July 30, the police arrested Moid Khan, a bakery owner in Bhadarsa Nagar, Ayodhya district, and his employee, Raju Khan, in connection with the crime.
According to the police, Moid Khan and Raju Khan raped the girl two months ago and recorded the act. The incident came to light when the girl was discovered to be pregnant during a medical examination.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath alleged that Moid Khan is a member of the Samajwadi Party and part of Faizabad MP Awadhesh Prasad’s team. In the UP assembly, Adityanath stated, “This is a case of Ayodhya. Moid Khan is from SP and is a member of the Ayodhya MP’s team. He has been found involved in the rape of a 12-year-old girl. The Samajwadi Party has not taken any action against him.”
Adityanath visited the girl’s family last week to offer support.
Demolition and Legal Action
On Saturday, the Ayodhya district administration demolished Khan’s bakery, which was illegally constructed over a pond, according to District Magistrate Chandra Vijay Singh.
Uttar Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak stated on Sunday that the perpetrators of the Ayodhya rape case would face severe punishment, serving as a deterrent for future generations. Criticizing the Samajwadi Party, Pathak accused it of having hooliganism and anarchy ingrained in its DNA. In response, the Samajwadi Party called for DNA testing of the accused.
This exchange highlights the ongoing political tensions in Uttar Pradesh as parties vie for control and influence in the state.
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