Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, with Deputy CMs Keshav Prasad Maurya and Brajesh Pathak, and 54 cabinet ministers, took the holy dip in Triveni Sangam, Prayagraj, on Wednesday.
The CM reached the ghat by motorboat, and one could see feeding migratory birds to Adityanath during the visit.
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The holy dip followed an urgent cabinet meeting led by the CM, where key decisions were made regarding the development of infrastructure in the city, according to reports from IANS. “Important decisions have been taken in the meeting for the progress and public welfare of the state,” the Chief Minister’s office stated on social media.
Initially planned to be held at the Mela Authority Auditorium, the meeting was shifted to Triveni Complex to avoid disruptions to pilgrims. This marks the second time the Yogi Cabinet has taken a dip during the Kumbh, following a similar visit in 2019. Defence Minister Rajnath Singh also visited the Maha Kumbh and took a holy dip last week. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Droupadi Murmu will be visiting the Mela in February. Maha Kumbh, starting from January 13, will close on Maha Shivratri, February 26, when more than 45 crore people are expected to attend.