Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday said yoga day for him would be the day when free yoga classes will be started in the city again.
“Today is the International Day of Yoga. This day inspires us to do yoga. Two years ago, the Delhi government started free yoga classes for the people of Delhi.
About 17,000 people started doing yoga every day. Last year, they stopped these yoga classes. Who benefits from this? Should public welfare programmes like this be stopped? Yoga day for me will be the day when I will again start free yoga classes for my Delhiites,” Kejriwal said in a tweet in Hindi.
“God also supports you if you have good intentions. They stopped us in Delhi; we started free yoga classes in Punjab. I am glad it is getting overwhelming support from people there,” he said in another tweet.
Kejriwal and his ministers had earlier alleged that Lieutenant Governor V K Saxena had not approved the extension of the scheme after October 31, 2022.
However, LG secretariat sources claimed that the office had not received any file seeking permission for the programme’s extension beyond October 31. “Hence, it is wrong to say that the LG has not approved the extension,” they maintained.
The city government launched the “Dilli ki Yogshala” initiative in December 2021 to ensure that yoga and meditation help people avoid sickness.