Delhi’s Rouse Avenue Court has issued a summons to a primary witness in the ongoing sexual harassment case linked to the women’s wrestlers’ protest at Jantar Mantar, held in January 2023. Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate Vaibhav Chaurasia has scheduled the witness examination for November 14. The witness, also a complainant in the case, had missed prior court appearances due to her two-month commitment to an international wrestling championship abroad.
The summons was challenged by defense counsel Rajiv Mohan, who argued against the necessity of calling the witness, asserting that she is the initial complainant who filed the FIR. However, Additional Public Prosecutor (APP) Atul Srivastava countered, stressing that it remains the prosecution’s duty to produce this witness in court as part of the case proceedings.
Two victims in the case recently changed their legal representation, with a new advocate submitting his vakalatnama to the court. Additionally, on October 19, the Delhi police removed witness and coach Jagbeer Singh from the case, indicating a shift in witness management.
Permission for Passport Renewal Granted to Accused In a related matter, the court approved a request by Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, the accused, to renew his passport for one year. Singh, who previously held a diplomatic passport as a Member of Parliament, filed an application for a No Objection Certificate (NOC) to obtain a new passport.
The case, which has garnered significant attention due to the involvement of national-level wrestlers, is set to advance with the upcoming witness examination on November 14.
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