Days after she had filed a complaint with the Himachal Pradesh police accusing Haryana BJP President and a Haryana based  singer of gangrape and criminal intimidation, the Delhi based woman has now expressed fear for her life. The victim in a video message also claimed that she has evidence to prove her accusations Haryana BJP president Mohan Lal Badoli and former party publicity cell chairman Rocky Mittal, also known as Jai Bhagwan.

Earlier, last week, the woman’s friend, who was also named as a witness, denied Badoli’s presence in the hotel room, stating that only Mittal was there. The victim alleged that the accused traced her friend’s address, threatened her, and coerced her into providing false testimony.  As per the FIR, the alleged incident occurred on July 3, 2023, at a hotel in Kasauli, Himachal Pradesh. Based on her complaint, the Himachal Pradesh police registered an FIR against Badoli and Mittal on December 13, 2024, under charges of gangrape and criminal intimidation. The woman claimed Mittal lured her with a role in a music album, while Badoli promised her a government job.

In her emotional video, the woman stated, “I feel like dying. I have been receiving threats for the past one and a half years. They even forced my friend, who was present during the incident, to give a false statement. These people are threatening me, and I fear for my safety.” She appealed to the public, the women’s commission, and the police to protect her identity and address. “I cannot leave this fight mid-way. These people have wronged me, and I want justice. If they can threaten my friend, they can find me too. I urge everyone to stand by me in this fight,” the victim said.

The woman announced that she will hold a press conference soon, where she would present evidence against the accused.  However, refuting the accusations, Badoli termed them “baseless” and “politically motivated.”