A 35-year-old woman from Karnataka, identified as Komala, has been arrested by the Gubbi police for allegedly orchestrating a complex marriage scam involving multiple husbands and theft of cash and jewelry. Komala, who had previously been separated from her first husband, is accused of marrying at least three men and defrauding them with the help of her accomplices.

Arrest and Investigation

The Gubbi police apprehended Komala along with her associates—marriage broker B Lakshmi, 40, Siddappa, 45, and his partner Lakshmi Shambhulinga Kubusada. The gang targeted wealthy men in rural areas who were struggling to find brides. The authorities had been searching for Komala since November 2023 and traced her to Maharashtra. When they attempted to arrest her, they discovered she had married another victim just four days prior.

The Scam Unveiled

The scam came to light when Palakshaiah, a farmer, filed a complaint with the Gubbi police. His son, Dayananda, 37, had married Komala in October 2023 through the intervention of broker Lakshmi. Before the wedding, Siddappa and Lakshmi Shambhulinga Kubusada posed as Komala’s maternal relatives, while she was presented as an orphan.

Palakshaiah had paid Rs 2.5 lakh for the wedding expenses and bought gold ornaments, including a 16-gram mangalasutra. Shortly after the wedding, Komala left for Hubballi, claiming it was customary for brides to visit their parental homes before starting their married life. When she became unreachable, Palakshaiah and his son discovered that Siddappa had also vanished. Upon further investigation, they realized they had been deceived.

Further Developments

The police traced Komala to a house in Miraj, Maharashtra’s Sangli district, where she had married another man using the same deceitful tactics. The gang once again swindled the groom’s family out of Rs 2.5 lakh and gold ornaments.

Following her arrest, additional victims have come forward. The police discovered that Komala had married three men over the past three years, including Raja Ram in Hubballi, Dayananda in Tumakuru, and Sukhdev in Maharashtra. Raja Ram has already filed a case in Hubballi.

The ongoing investigation continues to reveal more about Komala’s extensive scam, with authorities working to address the grievances of all affected parties.