Mumbai Police has been unable to secure the custody of notorious gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, who is currently incarcerated in Gujarat’s Sabarmati jail. This comes despite the involvement of his gang in high-profile incidents, including the shooting outside actor Salman Khan’s residence in April and the recent killing of former Maharashtra minister Baba Siddique.
Sources indicate that after the April shooting, the Mumbai Police filed multiple applications for Bishnoi’s custody. However, these requests have been denied due to a Ministry of Home Affairs order that bars his transfer. The order, issued under Section 268 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC), prohibits any state or agency from seeking Bishnoi’s custody for a year, as his transfer could potentially disrupt law and order. Initially set to expire in August 2023, the order has reportedly been extended for another year.
The Bishnoi gang gained notoriety after claiming responsibility for the murder of Punjabi singer Sidhu Moose Wala in 2022. They also took credit for the April firing incident outside Salman Khan’s home in Bandra. The gang, which is now largely operated by Bishnoi’s brother Anmol, along with gangsters Goldy Brar and Rohit Godara, has threatened to kill Khan. This is allegedly in retaliation for Khan’s past involvement in the shooting of blackbucks in 1998, an act that upset the Bishnoi community, who regard the animal as sacred.
During a court appearance in 2018, Bishnoi openly threatened Salman Khan, stating, “We will kill Salman Khan in Jodhpur. Everyone will know once we take action.”
A recently detained gang member claimed that the murder of Baba Siddique was also orchestrated by the Bishnoi gang. He alleged that Siddique was targeted due to his connections with India’s most wanted terrorist Dawood Ibrahim and his proximity to Salman Khan. The gang member cited the death of Anuj Thapan, one of the suspects in the shooting outside Khan’s residence, while in police custody as a contributing factor to Siddique’s killing. Authorities are currently verifying the authenticity of this claim.
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