Amid a scorching heatwave, Delhi is grappling with a severe water shortage, forcing residents to chase water tankers across the city. Political tensions are rising, with AAP Minister Atishi initiating a “Satyagraha” on Friday to press the Haryana government for increased water supply to Delhi. She also penned a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, seeking his immediate intervention in the crisis.
The ongoing political tussle between the AAP and the central government over the water issue has resurfaced a viral 2015 video of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. In the video, Kejriwal attributes the city’s water woes to the “tanker mafia,” alleging that despite Delhi producing enough water—84 crore gallons daily, which should suffice for its 2 crore residents—illegal activities by the mafia create artificial shortages. He vows stringent measures against those responsible, promising to send the culprits, including their political allies, to Tihar jail for exacerbating the crisis by pilfering water.