The nation is in mourning following a devastating terrorist attack on an Indian Air Force (IAF) convoy in Jammu and Kashmir’s Poonch district, which resulted in the loss of one life and injuries to five others. The forces have initiated a large-scale search operation to apprehend the perpetrators responsible for this cowardly act of violence.

Corporal Vicky Pahade, an IAF soldier, was among those injured in the terrorist attack. Despite putting up a brave fight, he succumbed to his injuries. Tragically, Corporal Pahade was set to return home to celebrate his son’s birthday on May 7, but fate intervened, and he attained martyrdom three days earlier.

Hailing from the Nonia-Karbal village in Madhya Pradesh’s Chhindwara district, Corporal Vicky Pahade was a dedicated serviceman who had recently rejoined his unit on April 18 after visiting his family for his sister’s wedding. The 33-year-old, who had joined the IAF in 2011, leaves behind his wife, five-year-old son, mother, and three sisters.

The Indian Air Force, in a solemn tribute, saluted Corporal Pahade’s supreme sacrifice during the ambush with terrorists in Poonch. Air Chief Marshal V. R. Chaudhari and the entire Air Force community extended their deepest condolences to the bereaved family, standing resolutely by them in this time of immense sorrow.

Former Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Kamal Nath also expressed his heartfelt condolences, acknowledging Corporal Vicky Pahade’s martyrdom in the terrorist attack and paying homage to his selfless service to the nation.

The incident serves as a stark reminder of the challenges faced by security forces in the region and underscores the sacrifices made by brave individuals like Corporal Vicky Pahade in safeguarding the nation’s integrity and security.