Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra is poised to enter the electoral arena from the Wayanad Lok Sabha constituency in Kerala, following her brother Rahul Gandhi’s decision to relinquish the seat in favor of retaining the Rae Bareli constituency in Uttar Pradesh. Rahul Gandhi had secured victory in both seats in the recent Lok Sabha elections, with a substantial margin of over three lakh votes.

Taking to his social media account, Robert Vadra, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra’s husband, showcased his support by posting her picture.

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Who is Robert Vadra?

Robert Vadra, born to Rajendra and Maureen Vadra on April 18, 1969, hails from a Punjabi family settled in the Moradabad district of Uttar Pradesh. Originally from Sialkot in present-day Pakistan, his paternal family migrated to India during the partition.

In 1997, Priyanka married Robert, a businessman based in Delhi, and began using the name Priyanka Gandhi Vadra. The couple has two children.

In January 2002, Vadra published a notice in a print newspaper distancing himself from his father and brother, citing their misuse of his relationship with the Nehru-Gandhi family for personal gain, including promising jobs and other favors. Subsequently, Sonia Gandhi, then Congress president, issued a notice to all Congress chief ministers, state unit heads, and senior party members to maintain a distance from Vadra and his family.

While Vadra has not actively pursued a political career, he has been a vocal supporter and campaigner for his brother-in-law Rahul Gandhi and mother-in-law Sonia Gandhi. Despite facing allegations following the 2012 anti-corruption movement, India Against Corruption, and subsequent politicization of these allegations, Vadra remained mostly in the background. However, he became a target for several opposition parties. During the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, he campaigned extensively across India for various Congress candidates. On his 50th birthday, when asked about his potential entry into active politics, Vadra hinted that it might happen in the next 2-3 years.