Aanvi Kamdar, a 26-year-old Instagram travel influencer based in Mumbai, met with a tragic accident at Kumbhe waterfall near Raigad, Maharashtra. While filming a video reel during a trip with seven friends, Kamdar slipped into a gorge and suffered severe injuries. Despite a six-hour rescue effort that successfully retrieved her from the crevice, Kamdar tragically succumbed to her injuries at the hospital.
A chartered accountant by profession, Aanvi Kamdar had a background in IT/Technology consulting at Deloitte. Her social media presence, boasting over 256,000 Instagram followers, highlighted her love for travel and monsoon tourism. Known for uncovering luxury destinations, cafes, and sharing travel tips, Kamdar described herself on Instagram as a “travel detective.”
Authorities confirmed the details of the incident, emphasizing the risks associated with adventurous social media content creation. Kamdar’s untimely death has left her followers and community mourning the loss of a vibrant travel enthusiast whose passion and exploration touched many lives.
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