On November 9, 2019, a five-judge bench led by then former Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi delivered the Ayodhya dispute verdict. The bench ended all the controversies and paved the way for the construction of Ram Lalla temple. Apart from Justice Ranjan Gogoi, this bench also included Justice AS Bobde, Justice DY Chandrachud, Justice Ashok Bhushan and Justice Nazir. Ram temple has been built in Ayodhya. The grand statue of Ram Lalla is going to be consecrated in the grand temple on 22nd January. The world is going to witness the consecration of the statue of Ram Lalla. Let us know where and what the judges who decided the path for the construction of this temple are doing today…
Justice Ranjan Gogoi
Justice Ranjan Gogoi ended his tenure as the Chief Justice of India on November 17, 2019. Four months later, the President nominated him as a Rajya Sabha MP. He became the third judge to enter the Rajya Sabha and the first to be directly nominated by the President. Before him, Congress had sent the country’s 21st Chief Justice Ranganath Mishra (1990 to 1991) to the Rajya Sabha. Mishra served in the Upper House from 1998 to 2004. Earlier, Justice Baharul Islam was sent to the Rajya Sabha by the Congress in 1983, five months after his retirement.
Justice Sharad Arvind Bobde
Justice Sharad Arvind Bobde retired as CJI on April 23, 2021, succeeding Ranjan Gogoi. After serving as a judge in the Supreme Court for eight years, Justice Bobde decided not to hold any official public position after retirement. Presently, he serves as the Chancellor of Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur.
Justice Ashok Bhushan
Justice Ashok Bhushan retired in July 2021. Four months later, in November, he assumed the post of Chairman of the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) for a four-year tenure. Before his appointment, the post had remained vacant for 20 months. The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet approved his appointment in October 2021.
Justice Abdul Nazeer
Justice Abdul Nazeer retired from the Supreme Court on January 4, 2023, and was appointed the Governor of Andhra Pradesh on February 24, 2023. All opposition parties, including Congress, criticized the Modi government for appointing former Justice Nazir as Governor. He was the only Muslim among the five judges who delivered the verdict in the Ayodhya case. Justice Abdul Nazeer was also included in the bench of judges that gave the verdict on the petition challenging demonetization.
Justice DY Chandrachud
Justice DY Chandrachud is the current Chief Justice of India. He assumed charge as the 50th Chief Justice in November 2022. He is the son of Justice YV Chandrachud, India’s longest serving Chief Justice.
Under his leadership, there have been revolutionary changes in the Supreme Court, with many landmark decisions leading to new interpretations of the Constitution. One of the most important decisions is the decision related to
Article 370.
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