Conman Sukesh Chandrashekar, while in jail and facing allegations in a Rs 200 crore money laundering case investigated by the Enforcement Directorate, reportedly sent numerous WhatsApp messages to actor Jacqueline Fernandez. These messages varied from assurances of aiding her “out of this mess” to peculiar requests for her to wear a black dress to signal that she had read his messages.
Jacqueline Fernandez has taken legal action against these messages and their media coverage, citing distress caused by their dissemination. In response, Chandrashekar has claimed that her plea has omitted crucial facts from the case and expressed readiness to face punishment if any of his messages to her were threatening or intimidating.
Recent WhatsApp chats obtained bymedia reports indicate Chandrashekar sending unconventional messages to the actor, promising her stardom and hinting at a forthcoming deal involving a prominent filmmaker.
In one instance, Chandrashekar asked Fernandez to wear black attire so he could confirm she had seen his messages, expressing confusion over her avoidance and assuring her of his responsibility to extricate her from the situation. He cautioned her against individuals using persuasive tactics.
Fernandez, through a petition filed in the Delhi High Court, seeks to dismiss the case and supplementary charges against her, portraying herself as an innocent victim of Chandrashekar’s targeted actions. Her petition denies any involvement in aiding Chandrashekar in alleged money laundering and argues against her prosecution under relevant sections of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act.
However, the Enforcement Directorate has opposed Fernandez’s petition, asserting that she hasn’t refuted claims of receiving gifts worth Rs 7.12 crore from Chandrashekar and gifts worth Rs 1.12 crore being sent to her sister in Sri Lanka. The agency maintains allegations of receiving and retaining proceeds of crime, which it deems sufficient for money laundering proceedings.
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