A tragic incident has unfolded in Jalpaiguri district, West Bengal, where another woman has reportedly died by suicide after being publicly flogged over an alleged extramarital affair. According to reports from news agency PTI, the incident follows widespread outrage sparked by the public flogging of a couple in Chopra, Uttar Dinajpur district.
The victim, accused of having an extramarital relationship, had been missing from her home for ten days. Upon her return on Monday, local women allegedly subjected her to public abuse and physical assault, questioning her character. Her husband also faced physical assault when he attempted to intervene. Overwhelmed by humiliation, the woman consumed pesticides and tragically ended her life late Monday night.
Police have taken action in the case, arresting four individuals, including two women, in connection with the incident.
The situation has exacerbated existing tensions following the widely condemned public flogging incident in Chopra, where a video showed Tajmul, also known as ‘JCB,’ purportedly a TMC leader, beating a couple with a bamboo stick. This incident led to Tajmul’s arrest on charges including attempted murder and assault.
West Bengal Governor CV Ananda Bose has raised concerns over the incidents, questioning Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee’s handling of the situation and the delayed submission of a report requested by the governor.
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