According to authorities, the West Bengal Special Task Force (STF) reported the apprehension of three individuals and the seizure of Morphine valued at Rs 1 crore during a raid in the Murshidabad district. The operation, based on a tip-off, occurred on Wednesday afternoon near the Nowdapara Railgate, which falls within the jurisdiction of the Berhampore Police Station and is adjacent to National Highway 34.

Law enforcement arrested three individuals, including a woman, in connection with the case. The individuals have been identified as Abdul Hamid, also known as Burhan (35), a resident of Palashipara in Nadia; Sohal Rana Sk (35), also from Palashipara in Nadia; and Gayetri Halder (69), a resident of Lalgola in Murshidabad.

A total of 1.010 grams (equivalent to 1.01 kilograms) of illicit Morphine, with an estimated market value of approximately one crore rupees, was recovered by the police. It was revealed during the investigation that Gayetri had obtained the contraband in Guwahati with the intention of delivering it to Abdul and Sohal.

The STF West Bengal filed a complaint at the Berhampur Police Station, and a police case has been registered under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act, as reported.