On Tuesday, rescue teams in Kerala’s Wayanad district, hit by devastating landslides on July 30, recovered seven additional body parts. The search operations focused on landslide-affected villages and areas along the Chaliyar river.

Current Status and Findings

The death toll from the disaster remains at 224, but with 189 body parts found so far, the total number of fatalities will be confirmed through DNA testing. There are still 152 individuals reported missing. Search teams have been combing through affected areas including Punchirimattom, Mundakkayi, Chooralmala, and the Sunrise Valley. Three body parts were retrieved from Meppadi and four from Nilambur.

Rescue Efforts

A total of 1,174 personnel, including army, forest department, and fire force members, are involved in the search, aided by 84 earthmovers and dog squads. Over 18,000 volunteers have registered to help. Relief camps are currently housing 648 families (2,225 individuals). Plans are underway to move them to new facilities to clear schools for reopening.

Government Response

The Kerala government is providing free rations and power supply for six months to displaced families. The Vellarmala School will be rebuilt, and online classes have started for students affected by the disaster. The cabinet sub-committee overseeing relief operations is also working on relocating displaced residents to temporary housing.

Search operations will continue as authorities work to identify victims and provide relief to those affected by this tragic event.