A heartwarming story of survival emerged from the devastating Wayanad landslides in Kerala, a 40-day-old baby named Anara and her six-year-old brother Hayan miraculously escaped death as their home was swept away by floods on Tuesday.

The natural disaster, which obliterated their house, left six of their family members unaccounted for. Their mother, Tanzeera, exhibited remarkable bravery as she clung to the terrace of a nearby house to save baby Anara. Despite slipping into the floodwaters, she managed to hold onto Anara’s arm, though the baby sustained injuries in the process. Meanwhile, young Hayan was carried 100 meters away by the raging waters but was later found by rescue workers, hanging onto a wire near a well.

Tanzeera was overjoyed to be reunited with her two children but was also confronted with the heartbreaking loss of her mother, Amina, and grandmother, Pathumma.

Triggered by torrential rains between July 29 and 30, the landslides in Wayanad have claimed up to 308 lives, with rescue operations ongoing. The region recorded an unprecedented 572 mm of rainfall in just 24 hours, leading to severe flooding and the surge of local rivers.

This calamity is the most severe natural disaster to hit Kerala since the catastrophic floods of 2018, which resulted in the loss of over 500 lives. Climate scientists attribute the severity of the landslides to the warming of the Arabian Sea, harmful environmental activities like mining, and significant deforestation, all of which have increased the region’s vulnerability.

In response to the disaster, the Indian armed forces, National Disaster Response Force, State Disaster Response Force, and Coast Guard have been tirelessly working to clear debris, construct bridges, and rescue affected individuals. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced a compensation of ₹2 lakhs for the families of those who lost their lives in the landslides. Additionally, a Mental Health Disaster Management Team has been established by the state to provide psychosocial support to survivors.

The survival of Anara and Hayan amidst such tragedy offers a glimmer of hope and resilience, highlighting the incredible efforts of rescue teams and the indomitable human spirit in the face of nature’s fury.