In a ray of hope amid the devastating Wayanad landslides, a family of four was rescued from an isolated house near Padavetti Kunnu on the fourth day of the catastrophic event. As search operations entered their fifth day on Saturday, rescue teams, equipped with advanced technology and cadaver dogs, continued their relentless efforts to find survivors or recover bodies buried under the debris.

Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan shared on Facebook that radar technology was detecting even the slightest movements, offering glimmers of hope amidst the tragedy.

Wayanad Landslides: Latest Updates

  1. Rising Death Toll and Discharges: The number of bodies recovered from the landslides has increased to 210, while 187 people have been discharged from hospitals. However, approximately 300 individuals remain missing, with diminishing hope of finding them alive.
  2. Family of Four Rescued: A family of four was rescued from an isolated house near Padavetti Kunnu, providing a beacon of hope for the hundreds of rescuers tirelessly searching for more survivors.
  3. Extensive Search Operations: Around 40 rescue teams, aided by cadaver dogs, are conducting search operations across six zones in the landslide-affected areas. The dogs’ keen sense of smell is crucial in locating survivors trapped under the rubble.
  4. Daring Forest Officer Rescue: In a brave operation, forest officers rescued four toddlers and their parents from a tribal community. Led by Kalpetta Range Forest Officer K Hashis, the team trekked deep into the forest to save the family.
  5. Potential Signs of Life: An official involved in the search reported a “blue signal,” indicating potential signs of breath, detected on radar near a house in Mundakkai village. However, the search concluded on Friday evening with no survivors found under the debris.
  6. Weather Forecast: The India Meteorological Department has forecast a generally cloudy sky with occasional spells of rain or thundershowers for Wayanad on Saturday.
  7. Condolences from US Leadership: US President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden expressed their condolences, praising the bravery of Indian service members and first responders. “We mourn with the families who have lost loved ones and continue to hold the people of India in our thoughts during this difficult time,” said the White House.
  8. Ecologically Sensitive Area Notification: The Centre issued a draft notification to declare over 56,800 square kilometers of the Western Ghats, including 13 villages in Wayanad, as an Ecologically Sensitive Area (ESA). This move came a day after the landslides claimed over 300 lives in Wayanad.
  9. Political Accusations: The Congress accused the Centre of delaying the ‘ecologically sensitive area’ designation for parts of the Western Ghats, alleging it contributed to the human tragedy in Wayanad.
  10. Privilege Motion Notice: Congress General Secretary Jairam Ramesh moved a Privilege Motion notice in the Rajya Sabha against Union Home Minister Amit Shah, accusing him of misleading the house with false statements regarding early warnings for the Wayanad landslide.

As rescue operations continue, the resilience and determination of the search teams, along with the hope of uncovering more survivors, stand as a testament to human spirit in the face of one of Kerala’s worst natural calamities.