On the first World Skydiving Day, a rare event unfolded in India as Union Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat took to the skies to experience the thrilling sport firsthand. Participating in a tandem skydive in Haryana, the 53-year-old was seen enjoying himself in videos, even exclaiming “good good, maza aa gaya” when asked mid-dive about his feelings.
The videos showed the tourism minister receiving skydiving lessons before taking off in a plane and jumping with an instructor, while another skydiver captured the moment on camera. When asked how he felt while taking off, the minister responded, “Super excited.” After the parachute opened, he expressed his happiness at having the opportunity to experience skydiving.
After landing safely, Mr Shekhawat expressed, “Today is a thrilling day for me but, more importantly, it is an important day for the world and for the world of aerosports, because World Skydiving Day is being celebrated for the first time. I can see aerosports and tourism touching new heights from today.”
“Thousands of Indians used to enjoy these sports in Dubai, Singapore, Thailand, New Zealand and other places and they will now get to experience it here. This will also boost tourism. I have flagged off India’s first skydiving aircraft and I wish great success to the team. As the tourism minister, it is my responsibility to develop new tourist spots. We would like to encourage this in more places, including Madhya Pradesh and Goa,” he added.
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