A man recently thwarted a scam attempt that could have cost him Rs 8,999, thanks to his quick thinking and awareness. The incident, which has since gone viral on social media, highlights the growing prevalence of UPI-related fraud.


The man received a phone call from a scammer who claimed that his bank account required verification. Following the scammer’s instructions, the man was guided to a page where he was asked to enter his UPI PIN after initiating a payment of Rs 8,999. Sensing something was amiss, the man questioned the need to enter his PIN. The scammer insisted that entering the PIN was necessary for account verification and assured the man that the amount would be credited to his account once he complied.

Despite the scammer’s reassurances, the man hesitated, realizing that he was on the verge of being scammed. When he confronted the scammer about the suspicious nature of the call, the scammer became defensive, claiming that his number was untraceable and that he was using a voice assistant. The situation escalated when the man revealed that he was recording the call and intended to share it online. In a last-ditch effort, the scammer threatened to hack the man’s phone if the recording was made public.

The man shared the recorded call on social media on August 6, and it quickly gained traction, amassing nearly 500,000 views and over 6,400 likes. The video has sparked widespread discussion, with many viewers sharing similar experiences and warning others to stay vigilant.

One user, Rohit Dubey, commented on the video, sharing his own experience of being scammed out of Rs 12,000 in a similar manner. Another user expressed that the incident reminded them of the popular series “Jamtara,” which revolves around phishing scams. Others emphasized the importance of staying cautious and informed to avoid falling victim to such fraudulent schemes.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of UPI fraud and the importance of being cautious when dealing with unsolicited calls requesting sensitive information.