On Tuesday morning, relentless rain caused widespread waterlogging across several areas of Delhi, leading to significant disruptions. Munil Mehto, an autorickshaw driver, recounted his ordeal as his vehicle became submerged in floodwaters on Minto Road. “My vehicle suddenly stopped. I asked a few drivers for help, but to save my life, I had to exit the auto. The vehicle’s papers are still inside,” Mehto said.
Heavy Rainfall and Localized Flooding
The heavy rains prompted the Delhi Police to issue an advisory advising commuters to avoid Rohtak Road. According to the India Meteorological Department (IMD), the city is expected to remain under a generally cloudy sky throughout the day with intermittent rain showers.
The IMD reported scattered light rain across the city, with some areas experiencing moderate to intense downpours. Pitampura in West Delhi saw 57mm of rain between 5:30 am and 7:45 am, followed by Delhi University with 55.5mm and Najafgarh with 34.5mm. Narela and Lodhi Road recorded 15.5mm and 15mm of rainfall, respectively.
Ongoing Weather Conditions and Impact
An IMD official noted that localized rainfall is likely to continue throughout the day, with light showers expected in various parts of the city. The downpour caused significant traffic disruptions, particularly in Najafgarh Phirni Road, Kashmere Gate, ISBT, Ashram, and ITO, due to severe water accumulation.